The separate
spheres of life are meant to revolve? Rotate? Orbit? There is some sort of
mathematical/scientific word for what round things do, when they hang out, but
don't collide.
That word,
is what should, ideally, be happening in your life with the really big stuff.
Profession v. Personal. Paycheck v. Pleasure. What you DO to live and HOW you
live are part of the same system but don't belong on the same path. I give you
this- they can pace each other. Travel at the same speed and make transfer.
Collaborate rather than collide. They don't have to intersect or touch to make
this transfer. Everything just needs to be timed appropriately and given a
respectful amount of distance. Transfer should be tasteful and with good
judgment. You shouldn't slosh your work gravity all over your personal life
with the same respect that you wouldn't drag your personal burdens into work
It throws
the system out of whack. It'll make your life a giant crushed ball of chaos and
misery spinning off course and while you're scrambling to create some sort of
damage control you'll come to the realization that you don't even RECOGNIZE
yourself. You don't even recognize the components of your life that have
created this... HOT MESS. Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck did your
life go?
The only
real job you have in life is to just be happy. Get happy with yourself. And if
someone is UNhappy with the version of yourself that is trying to get happy... then they are
tuned into the wrong dimension. Fuck them.
In my
personal experience your spiritual (or philosophical) sphere is the largest so
it needs the most space and it can either take up all your energy or if you are
very lucky is the source of your energy. I do not advise that you tamper with
that dynamic. If your faith in humanity and the divine can either drain you
entirely and leave you dark or ignite your ability to happily participate in
society and allow you to shine...
Who would
WANT to gamble with that balance?!
The world
already offers so many chances to test our faith. You shouldn't want to invite
any other opportunities to rattle your ZONE. You know? There are far larger
problems in the world than having to worry about your worlds colliding.
Worlds are
already colliding.
One day
you're going to campaign for a candidate that is going to piss your mom off. You're
going to date someone that really is exactly like your father. You're going to
post something on Twitter and discover the majority of your friends don't agree
with your point of view. Or worse, you'll have a bad day because your mom is
mad, your dad is jerk, your boyfriend is even MORE of a jerk, your friends
don't get you AND WORK SUCKED so you make the mistake of posting something on
Facebook along the lines of, "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGHFUCK
YOUALLWHATTHEFUCKHELLBALLS!" But a co-worker/"friend" is going
to tell your boss that you were being unprofessional on your personal
And on those
days, your life, worlds all-a-collision-course, is so damn outta control that
you only get one space, only place to retreat to.
And if it is
sullied by some shit storm unnatural force that doesn't belong in your
spiritual sphere... well then.
You are
royally fucked and you need to learn how to guard your private spaces with more
Battle ready, and thicker skinned, you're gonna learn.