This morning I rise, not in my own
home, but in the home of good people... great friends, who welcomed
me and helped me feel safe. Good friends who did not tell me that I
should have left my situation sooner, but only showed gratefulness
that I was able to leave.
I rise because there are so many women
who are afraid to leave. It can be complicated and scary. There might
not be any place to go. So I rise because I want the world to learn
that we need to make safe spaces. We have to let women know that they
can get OUT, they can LEAVE. We have to let women know that they have
a right to save their lives. Above all we have to let women know that
we are here to help them. We are here to love them.
This morning I rise with a book by my
bed, a book in my bag, and books in boxes. I am fortunate enough to have lead a
life in which I was gifted literacy.
I rise because there are societies in
the world that have put a limitation on the education of their young
girls. These societies are afraid of girls and women who have
knowledge about the world. Educated women can and WILL demand being
treated fairly. These women will rise. They will demand to rule their
own bodies. They will demand to further their education. They will
demand that their sons be raised in environments that do not
encourage the violation of women. They will demand that their
daughters be given every opportunity to live safe and happy lives. I
rise because I want more women to rise.
This morning I rise on Valentine's day
without a love in my life. Correction, this morning I rise with a
love for myself in my life.
I rise because the preconception that
romance HAPPENS pisses me off. Young women in this country (and
others) are cultivated to subject themselves to wait for something.
Romance vs. Respect. I'll take respect, thank you.
This morning I rise, ready to walk on
an earth that does some really whack things to women.
I rise because on this planet, there
are societies that slice the clitoris off of young girls. Denying a
woman her sexuality so she will recognize sex as an obligation should
be a crime.
I rise because in my country
legislators want to give rapists the right to parent their violently
sired children. Seriously?!
I rise because in my city a woman was
abducted and assaulted only a few blocks from where I work.
I rise because I've been hit, slammed
against a wall, whipped with a wire and coerced. I have been date
raped, verbally abused, and emotionally manipulated. I have had
people read my mail, destroy my poetry, and help themselves to my on
line chat sessions with friends. I have been violated physically,
emotionally and socially.
And I'm still here. Still strong.
Always ready to take the world on.
I rise because of the strength of the
Comfort Women. Because My Vagina IS my Village. Because Woman to stop
the Violence against Woman (we MUST stop the violence against
ourselves). Because I'm in my Short Skirt today and any day I like.
Because I am the Woman who Loves to Make Vaginas Happy.
I rise because of Norma, Elodia, Annie,
Sunny, Ellie and Kirrah. I rise for Ariel, Rose, Allyson, Melissa
Amanda, Sofia, Dani, Katie, Emily, Tamar (your recent love note
really made my day), Anne and Renee. For all of the Veteran Vaginas
that I have known.
I rise for Virginia.
I rise for Bryan, Jake and Joe! You
gentlemen fill my heart! I rise for Brannden, Elias, Ace and David
John. I rise for the man that never hurt me. I rise because no man
ever should have hurt me.
I rise because there is a lot of love
in my life. You are all my loves. And I'm glad you are rising with
me. I rise because there is still love to be had.
The world needs to know about MORE THAN
ONE BILLION WOMEN... are hurt, are hurting, have been hurt.
Today we should rise and create a world
where they are loved.